My Yarn Addiction is My Worst(ed) Behavior!
You're probably thinking, 'Worsted Behavior? Worsted? Is that a typo? You mean Worst Behavior?' No, I mean Worsted. Worsted is a medium-weight yarn, with which most people are familiar.
Well, where does 'Behavior' come in? Like most (or all) crocheters and knitters, I developed an addiction to yarn. Hoarding skeins by the ounces until I decided something had to be done. The only way to make room for more yarn is by busting my stash.
Out of an abundance of yarn and quarantine downtime, I bring to you, Worsted Behavior. Officially established in a northern Chicago suburb in August 2020, Worsted Behavior is bringing oohs and aahs to the crocheting game. If you came expecting to see something like your granny's handiwork, you're in the wrong place.